Clare the stilt walker

I gust moved to a small town, tired and sick."Nora please go to bed, you have school next week you are not going to be sick at school so go on" "Fine".

I gone to bed, I putted the lamp on and I putted the sheets over me. I was looking around my room seeing how much webs i got, GOD there was lots.

I saw a light turned on out side, I though that was weird. SO I gotten up and gone to the window,WOW it was a circus out side. I looked down and I saw a sigh it said it was going to open 1AM to 3AM. I was surprised how late it was going to open. "MUM!"

I herd foot steps and my door opened "yes" "mum theirs a circus out side and it said its going to open at 1AM to 3AM.

She looked out side the window and then mums eyes opened wide, she was in shock "Mum are you okay?!". Mum grabbed the blinds and closed them " you are not going and do not talk about that circus" soon as she finished talking she walked out and slammed my door. I walked to my bed and felled on it I started thinking what mum said but why would she say such a thing about that place, well it's weird its going to open at fucking 1AM and it's going to close at 3AM.

I gone to sleep and I herd this music playing it's like a tune then I suddenly woke up I was shaking I couldn't stop, My light was flashing and I saw a girl she looked like she been crying she started laughing "Let's do some tricks" I was scared.

I looked down at her she was wearing Stilts,She was so tall and She was cut, I-I never saw a person dressed like that!. "MUM!!!!". My mum ran in with a knife, Mum attacked her stabbing her by the back ,she grabbed my mum by the arm "Let go of me" my mum cried. she said the same fucking thing again "Let's go some tricks". She started pooling my mum by the arm and then she ripped my mums arm off with my mum screaming and crying. "STOP!". she turned around and looked at me with that glare, It looked like she wanted me so bad, Her brown eyes were glowing.

"You don't know your favorite clown of all" She lost it and screamed and grabbed my mums arm and pushed it in my mothers trout, I didn't wanted my own mum to die so I tried so hard to distract her " Whats your name!" oh god I gust made it worst, She grabbed my mum by the neck and she smashed the window with my Mums head and she chucked her out. And soon as my mother fell she was looking at me hoping this is not the time she would be gone. "what do you want from me!"

All I could hear is Bones cracking by my mum and that clown laughing ,I was still shaking "make it stop!". Then she looked at me then She started walking up to me with her covered in my mums blood and she was jumping over objects on the floor, I started weeping.

She grabbed me by the hair I stopped shaking some how " I am Clare your best friend" She stared laughing while putting her hand in my stomach ,I was crying and screaming But then she stopped ,My heart was beating fast, She backed away. I stared hearing police cars going off " Ill see you later" in a flash she was gone with glass blood on the floor.

I looked down I was dripping blood all over the floor, I felled to my knees. Polices and doctors ran in seeing me still alive, One of the doctors gone to the smashed window seeing my mum dead on the ground the doctor jumped down and held her. "her heart isn't beating" everyone was surprised I started screaming and crying more then I stopped I felled to the floor and pasted out. I woke up at the doctors with a letter on the table, I picked it up, my hands stared shaking. I opened it, I couldn't believe my eyes it said "let's do some tricks By Clare your best friend" I got of I ripped it

I will find you Clare who ever you are and I will end you